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Customs One-stop shop for your Customs Broker’s needs.

Customs One – Coming Soon

Create Supplier/ Importer relationships, defined by product, HS-Code and SKU. Processing 99 invoice lines, and multiple headers in a matter of seconds Customs has never been so straight Forward. Direct connection to CDS and CCS-UK for UK Customers.
Accurate Data:

Our AI/ ML model will extract clean data and autonomously post to your TMS or directly within the FYI system – the choice is yours. Flexibility within your configuration to reduce exceptions.

Cost Centre Throughput:

Onboard new business without any additional resources. Volume-centric processing means that your operational resources are continuously operating at their most efficient level.

All shipments/ Consignments Tracked – Cleared without FAIL
Clearances have never been easier. ETA/ Port ETA and other business critical milestones are populated in the system to empower the broker to work by exception.
Business Insights and Visibility

All data processed will formulate an overview of your clients’ customs transactions. These powerful analytical insights will provide clear, auditable reports in real time with ability to locate and resolve any exception with ease.

Customs or ERP?
Additional added value secured through providing your customer granular insights, with the ability to drill down from a Purchase Order all the way down to a SKU level.
Compliance in One place
SOPs provided through the FYI intuitive UI to deliver a user-friendly UX to ensure that your business and clients are compliant throughout the Customs process without having to canvass in-depth laws and regulations.
API connectivity
Utilise the robust API to pass data between systems including integrating Customs One into your TMS to add value, mitigate impact to your day-to-day operations by complimenting your existing use-case.

Cloud Based.
Improved Supply Chain.
Direct Connection.

F.Y.I. Forward Your Intelligence is a cloud based software company, dedicated to, and specialising in improving the supply chain via a suite of powerful SaaS applications.

FYI is committed to providing the ability to empower Businesses Globally to achieve Carbon Neutrality

Providing accurate and autonomous CO2 reporting within standard is one thing, but providing you with CO2 emissions apportioned to PO, Container, Product and SKU level allows for you to truly get an insight to each component within the supply chain’s environmental impact. Sharing this data with customers or tenders could prove invaluable.

Become a Partner. Forward your intelligence.
Open up the possibilities of enhanced supply chain data.